o documentário sobre a fotógrafa Vivian Maier de quem já aqui falei,
estreou na semana passada no Toronto Film Festival.
Realizado por David Maloof e Charlie Siskel, relata a descoberta do seu arquivo fotográfico escondido e revela a sua história de vida.
The 8mm Films of Vivian Maier
These fragile, observational clips uncover Vivian Maier’s largely unseen experimentation with film. The New York-born photographer spent 40 years working as a nanny in Chicago, simultaneously fostering a secret passion for image-making that led her to document the urban life of America, enjoying her productive peak in the 50s and 60s. When she died in 2009, the thousands of images that she amassed during her lifetime were only just beginning to be discovered. After winning a bid for 30,000 of Maier’s negatives in a Chicago auction house in 2007, it took 6 months for Mr. Maloof to realize the importance of what he had purchased. VIA NOWNESS
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